
Gietzen, Damien J

Page history last edited by dw5149@wayne.edu 13 years, 1 month ago

My name is Damien Gietzen and I'm a junior at WSU. I'm currently taking my prerequisites for optometry school.


About the Author


Project 3  ( I Think, Therefore I Am )


Project 4/5  ( Legalize It )


Project 6  (  The Dope Beat )




- Vegetables

- Needles

- Soccer

- Zombies

- People who dislike things

- Me ( I dislike things )

- Sperm Whales

- Syllabi

- Plural words that don't end in "S"

- Albinos

- Cheese Curd

- More than 2 eyebrows

- Things that end in "arshmallow"

- Spinners

- Jersey Shore

- Oregon Shore

- Dodo Birds




- Football / Most Sports

- Camping / Outdoors

- Sciences

- Philosophy

- Taking care of bidness

- My gang

- Koala Bears

- Brick Cheese

- Lobsters (Friend/Food)

- Boating

- Bartending

- Trees (Coniferous AND Deciduous)

- Clouds

- Rolling

- The word moist

- Family Guy

- Tosh.0

- Never Back Down

- Donnie Darko

- The Lost Symbol

- Harps



"Morality is but the herd-instinct in the individual" - Friedrich Nietzsche




halong bay 4 vietnam



valley near mt kawaikini kauai hawaii



Cool Zone - abandoned Six Flags - New Orleans



night city wall 3 dubrovnik croatia





halong bay 3 vietnam



1st zombie-proof house













“Here’s the pitch, swing – it’s going back, back, back…Gone! This homerun was brought to you by Taco Bell - a homerun for any meal.” This sounds quite ludicrous, but the fact of the matter is, this could be the near future of sports advertising as we know it. Companies are looking for new and creative ways to get hold of their consumers and what better way to do that than through sports. An audience averaging 14.3-million in the 2010 World Series is opportunity in the eyes of corporations. Advertising agencies are getting their product’s names out there in more and more ways in the sporting world. And why not? Advertising in sports can reach a ridiculously large audience due to the draw that sports has on today’s society, they can maximize exposure time of the product, and they can use today’s low-economy to their advantage. So sit back, enjoy the game, and grab a Ball Park® frank. “The official hot dog of every sport.”


Although cliché, the idea that there is a “Rat Race” for product exposure hits the nail right on the head when it comes to describing today’s market. With so many brands for the same or similar products, the companies that last are the ones that get their name out to the consumer most successfully. Finding new creative ways to reach the population is vital and companies are now finding ways to enter the actual sporting event itself. Advertisers know that they can create exigencies for their products by placing logos on the walls, glass, and even jerseys of a consumer’s favorite sporting team. This technique is not new by any means. Let NASCAR serve as the poster child of advertising in sports where they place logos all over the cars as well as the drivers. But it is being taken to newer extremes in particular sports that never before allowed such advertising. These sports, NHL for example, have felt the crunch of the economy and have had to reach out to advertising agencies in hopes to relieve their financial issues. This has opened the flood gates for advertisers to get creative with ad strategies as well as placement.


Almost everyone has at sometime in their life participated in some sport, and if not has at least seen a game on television or at the stadium. It’s part of our culture, and a huge part at that! The attention sports gain in society is staggering and ad agencies have used that to their advantage. These companies will pay too. The average cost for a 30-second spot in Super Bowl XLV was a hefty $3 million dollars. That $3 million is going to get their product 30-seconds in front of 111-million viewers. That’s a huge potential market! Not only do sports attract a huge fan base (aka potential customers), but they also attract a wide variety of cultures. There’s a sport for everyone and if they can’t go to the event, there are now a growing number of channels on television that cover the events. Advertising companies are now able to reach a range of sports from football to surfing to ping pong. With such a wide variety nowadays, it would seem almost impossible to be able to reach potentially every person who owns a TV. This huge potential market gives ad agencies a lot of different ways to go about getting their product out.


 One way, particularly in sports more than anywhere else is using the ethos of a sports star to sell a product. Everyone has seen this in action. Derek Jeter, Tiger Woods or any other sports star comes on the screen and gives some speech about how they use a particular product and it works. As if to say, “Buy this product, because we’re famous and we use it.” This approach seems a bit queer because for the most part the product has nothing to do with sports; whether it is watches, cars or some other product. It does work though, and it works well! People will buy things just to be like their favorite player. Take Power Bands for example. The trend exploded when athletes like Kobe Bryant began wearing them. This just goes to show that sports are king in today’s culture. Ad agencies know this and are exploiting this social crutch to their full advantage.


Not only are these companies buying the athletes to get their product’s name out, but they are starting to buy everything else that has to do with the sporting event. The glass surrounding the ice rink and the bases around the diamond are at risk now as well! Advertising is going to new extremes to get their names out there. Digital advertising is the new “Holy Grail” in sports advertising. It’s a new way of bringing ads to the center stage of a viewer’s television. Now every time someone scores a goal in hockey, the television viewers will be reminded of Subway sandwiches. A large, digital logo is placed across the entire width of the glass behind the goalie. This new strategy works brilliantly for ad agencies for several different reasons. It’s a sort of subconscious advertisement. They may not have a catchy jingle or explosions, but there is the constant reminder of a particular product every time the cameras pan past it. Every goal, every pitch gives a friendly subconscious reminder of a product.



Peer Review 1 By: Ahmed Alshaibani 

Peer Review 2 : Samey Abdulrub

Comments (4)

marielle frattaroli said

at 8:44 pm on Sep 3, 2011

you have really cool pictures on here

Colton Michael Dale said

at 8:38 pm on Sep 18, 2011

how can you dislike soccer?

dw5149@wayne.edu said

at 12:02 pm on Sep 20, 2011

im American that how lol

perrinatisha said

at 1:04 pm on Sep 20, 2011

'“Here’s the pitch, swing – it’s going back, back, back…Gone! This homerun was brought to you by Taco Bell - a homerun for any meal.” This sounds quite ludicrous, but the fact of the matter is, this could be the near future of sports advertising as we know it.' This made me think...what if this is what truly happens? We as Americans dont realize how powerful advertisement really is and how it can affect our decisions in what we do and buy.

I like how you brought up nascar as the "child of advertising!" because its true! Every area of the car and driver is covered with an ad! People are desperate for money and will do anything to do it.

I think you should talk about the different advertisements, such as things that shouldnt be advertised in a baseball game or video game. Children are attending these games and playing on these consoles and if they see an advertisement for condoms or alcohol...what kind of message is America trying to send to our children?

That would be an interesting point to bring up....otherwise great job!

The paper caught my attention because I have never realized how these companies really get their product out there through these obtuse ways of advertising. It has even gotten to the point of placing ads in video games...."a place where we would get away from the reality."

This is important because these ads are becoming out of hand...with virtual ads taking over our computer and television screens.

I know this is not the full paper but there needs to be more detail as to why these ads are out of hand and for the simple fact as to why they are so ridiculous. I am sure you will explain this in the paper.

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