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Page history last edited by Jared 13 years, 1 month ago

Suggests That Narcotics are Illegal Because That Status Benefits Dealers: The Government of the United States was responsible for those deaths. The bureaucratic machine has a vested interest in playing cops and robbers. Both theBureau of Narcotics and the Mafia want strong laws against the sale and use of drugs because if drugs are sold at cost there would be no money in it for anyone.


Suggests Our Treatment of Suicides Shows our Hypocrisy in Treating Narcotics AbuseIs everyone reasonably sane? No. Some people will always become drug addicts just as some people will always become alcoholics, and it is just too bad. Every man, however, has the power (and should have the legal right) to kill himself if he chooses. But since most men don't, they won't be mainliners either. Nevertheless, forbidding people things they like or think they might enjoy only makes them want those things all the more. This psychological insight is, for some mysterious reason, perennially denied our governors.


Suggests Narcotics Prohibition Resembles Alcohol Prohibition: It is a lucky thing for the American moralist that our country has always existed in a kind of time-vacuum: we have no public memory of anything that happened before last Tuesday. No one in Washington today recalls what happened during the years alcohol was forbidden to the people by a Congress that thought it had a divine mission to stamp out Demon Rum - launching, in the process, the greatest crime wave in the country's history, causing thousands of deaths from bad alcohol, and creating a general (and persisting) contempt among the citizenry for the laws of the United States.


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