Travis Rodery
1. McElroy, Wendy. "Marriage and the Family." 1996. Web. 24 Oct. 2011.
- shows views from mulltiple perspectives: Capitalist, feminist, and Conservitive. Defines what marriage is and problems that can occur within it.
2. "Marriage - Credo Reference Topic." Credo Reference Home. Web. 24 Oct. 2011.
Ties in the relations betweeen family and marriage, and also gives the types of marrriage there are: gay, group, different sex
3. "Marriage." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 24 Oct. 2011.
Gives a defininition and another name for marriage, explains the ceremonies, culture, and different types of marriage.
4.Taylor, Steven L. "Redefining Marriage." Outside The Beltway | OTB | Online Journal of Politics and Foreign Affairs. Web. 24 Oct. 2011.
States how marriage is already defined within the US and cannot be redefined, alot about how gay marriage is wrong
5. Jason Lee Steorts. National Review. New York: Feb 7, 2011. Vol. 63, Iss. 2; p. 39
Two views on marriage, what marriage is for: reproducing or for love, explains gay marriage
6. Sherif Girgis, Robert P George, Ryan T Anderson. Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy. Cambridge: Winter 2011. Vol. 34, Iss. 1; p. 245 (43 pages)
Many definitions of what marriage is and the views of it.
7. Frye, Jason. "Stop saying 'same-sex' marriage." The Humanist Sept.-Oct. 2011: 6+. Academic OneFile. Web. 24 Oct. 2011.
States that same sex marriage is marriage, uses New York as a state of example, gives us the humanist view of marriage
8. Biberman, Matthew. "Milton, marriage, and a woman's right to divorce." Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 39.1 (1999): 131+. Academic OneFile. Web. 24 Oct. 2011.
Marriage is a contract between a man and a women, and women have the rights for a divorce, offers a side view of what can happen in a marriage
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