Hannah's About the Author:

About The Author:


     In the beginning of the class, I openly admitted that I have a horrible relationship with writing. I felt that I over summarized too much and needed to improve my analytical writing. As the class, progress I learned the different techniques I could use to further invent my writing into something magnificent, I learn how to brainstorm, how to use enthymemes to my advance, and how to write a successful introduction to a paper. My "Flat Bottom World" paper had great examples mixed in with my analytical take on those examples and perfectly conveyed my point of how even though our society has made many advances in technology, teens are less astounded by it because we have lived with technology their whole lives. I did acknowledge my reading skills and I am still comfortable with them at this moment in time, because my effective reading has aided in my papers because now I know what to look for to make points in my papers. I am slowly mending the relationship between me and writing, I feel that we are no longer frenemies, but rather acquaintances, however I have a long way to go before we have a loving relationship. I still stand strong next to writing for medical journals one day, perhaps a book or two, after I become a doctor.