
About the Author (Paul Elden)

Page history last edited by Paul Elden 13 years, 3 months ago


When entering this class, I thought I was well-prepared for reading and writing on the college level. I had many A’s on my high school writings, and I’ve


read many books in various genres and writing styles. In a sense, I was ready, but only at the level that I could understand what is necessary to write a


good college paper. My writing style was fairly analytical at the start of this semester, but after going through various rhetorical techniques and tools,


and realizing how common these are in all styles of writing, I feel that I’m firmly entrenched in rhetorical analysis. I enjoy breaking down writing, or


anything else for that matter, and seeing how the argument is presented. I try to remain unbiased when I look at arguments, and take in all the


information.  However, it isn’t strictly analysis for me. I also enjoy throwing a few personal touches into my writing, usually to give my take on the


author and topic. This isn’t always necessary or welcome, of course, but I do it when I can. My favorite topics are newer sciences, technology, health,



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