
About the Author Ahmed

Page history last edited by Ahmed Alshaibani 13 years, 3 months ago

Coming into this class, I was a lot less prepared than I previously thought. My writing skills lacked many basic aspects that appeal to readers and particular audiences and I knew nothing about writing an analysis. I was mostly used to writing reviews. Through this class, I’ve been able to develop many procedural skills including my revision and prewriting skills. I now value the ability to more thoroughly be able to reach a very specific target audience as opposed to the general public as I was used to with high school work. Another big advancement for me in my writing was the ability to notice rhetoric. Ill be honest, coming into this class, I had no idea what rhetoric meant. Now I’m able to recognize rhetorical skills used by authors and am able to use it in my own work. Iv also learned how to more affectively write to a specific target audience. More importantly, I’ve developed the ability to have a clear and focused purpose behind my papers. I’ve been able to pic one very specific topic and elaborate on it in order to get my point across. For example, in project 1, I was able to very thoroughly analyze Adidas “we Are All Originals” campaign by going into depth about the techniques they used to persuade the audience to buy their products. In my next two projects, I will be able to more thoroughly emphasize and use pathos and ethos to appeal to the general public in my analysis redefining of the word chivalry. I will hopefully be able to successfully reach my target audience through these skills and help them understand the urgency of redefining the word to fit with modern times. Through future writings, I think I would like to be able to target an audience of people who are around my age, so as I could let my opinions and views be known. 


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