
Angry Birds

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Dale, Colton M

Perrin Steve Atisha 

Riar, Yashvir

Bezhani, Anisa

Haynes, Sasha 

Sheikh, Farah


1. "Introduction Plan"


i) introduction strategies


ii) The claim: The purchasing of $49 million worth of computers by the DPS was a terrible management of funds because there were students still waiting for books (impractical), teachers were underpaid (economic/practical), and classrooms were overcrowded (ethical/practical).


iii) Our audience is Roy S. Roberts, Financial Emergency Manager of DPS; William Aldridge, Chief Financial Officer of DPS


2. "Tips on researching and drafting a Background section"


A. Goal one: offer details of the proposal itself


B. Two: offer some historical description of DPS's problems... staying focused mostly on Detroit, but noting the scope is larger


C. offer a few different  perspectives on this serious problem by people from different political points of view, unions, managers, etc.


http://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/index.ssf/2011/07/emergency_manager_roy_roberts.html (Roy Roberts says 10% wage cuts is the solution to getting out of the hole.)


http://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/index.ssf/2011/05/can_we_save_dps_should_we.html ( several people give their opinion on whether DPS is worth saving after so much bad decisions


Chambers, Jennifer. "Students still wait for books at DPS." 28 Oct 2011. n. pag. The Detroit News. Web. 10 Nov 2011. <http://detnews.com/article/20111028/SCHOOLS/110280375/1026/schools/Students-still-wait-for-books-at-DPS>.

Walker, Bruce Edward. "Detroit Schools Spend $49 Million Fed Stimulus on Computers." 01 Feb 2011. n. pag. Heartlander. Web. 10 Nov 2011. <http://news.heartland.org/newspaper-article/2011/02/01/detroit-schools-spend-49-million-fed-stimulus-computers>.

Chambers, Jennifer. "Surveys: Class sizes over limit at 42 Detroit schools." 24 Oct 2011. n. pag. The Detroit News. Web. 10 Nov 2011. <http://detnews.com/article/20111024/SCHOOLS/110240353/1409/rss36>.

"Roy Roberts, DPS Emergency Manager, Says Detroit Will Put 90% Of Funding Into Classrooms." 15 Aug 2011. n. pag. The Huffington Post. Web. 10 Nov 2011. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/15/roy-roberts-dps-emergency_n_927617.html>.



3. "Tips on organizing and drafting body paragraphs"


A. Paragraph 1 – Addresses initial spending plan which included a proposal to spend $49 million on laptops and netbooks for schools.


     Paragraph 2 – Introduces initial problems with overcrowded classrooms and lack of teachers.


     Paragraph 3 – Improper usage of funding.


B. Define Emergency Financial Manager – how position came into play, and what are the roles of this position.


C. Nothing- do not know of/cannot find any such similar cases.


D. Rationalize their decision to use this funding on laptops. Illustrate the possible consequences of not having used this money on the            other more important matters previously outlined.


E. Counterarguments: 


  1. Laptops could be considered equal if not better to textbooks, explaining why many schools still do not have textbooks.


     2. Rationale for using educational funds to provide the Emergency Financial Manager a new car could stem from the statement that his old          car required “lots of maintenance.” 

Comments (4)

Colton Michael Dale said

at 2:07 pm on Nov 8, 2011


article about class sizes
will justify our point about how we should keep schools open instead of use 50 million $$ on netbooks

Colton Michael Dale said

at 1:58 pm on Nov 10, 2011

Chambers, Jennifer. "Students still wait for books at DPS." 28 Oct 2011. n. pag. The Detroit News. Web. 10 Nov 2011. <http://detnews.com/article/20111028/SCHOOLS/110280375/1026/schools/Students-still-wait-for-books-at-DPS>.

Walker, Bruce Edward. "Detroit Schools Spend $49 Million Fed Stimulus on Computers." 01 Feb 2011. n. pag. Heartlander. Web. 10 Nov 2011. <http://news.heartland.org/newspaper-article/2011/02/01/detroit-schools-spend-49-million-fed-stimulus-computers>.

Chambers, Jennifer. "Surveys: Class sizes over limit at 42 Detroit schools." 24 Oct 2011. n. pag. The Detroit News. Web. 10 Nov 2011. <http://detnews.com/article/20111024/SCHOOLS/110240353/1409/rss36>.

"Roy Roberts, DPS Emergency Manager, Says Detroit Will Put 90% Of Funding Into Classrooms." 15 Aug 2011. n. pag. The Huffington Post. Web. 10 Nov 2011. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/15/roy-roberts-dps-emergency_n_927617.html>.

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