Project Three Paragraph Editing Tips:
Common problems with project two:
Project Three Sentence Level Editing Tips:
Richard Nordquist's top ten sentence-list for sentence level editing.
Use this checklist as a guide when editing paragraphs and individual sentences.
- Is each sentence clear and complete?
- Can any short, choppy sentences be improved by combining them?
- Can any long, awkward sentences be improved by breaking them down into shorter units and recombining them?
- Can any wordy sentences be made more concise?
- Can any run-on sentences be more effectively coordinated or subordinated?
- Does each verb agree with its subject?
- Are all verb forms correct and consistent?
- Do pronouns refer clearly to the appropriate nouns?
- Do all modifying words and phrases refer clearly to the words they are intended to modify?
- Is each word in the essay appropriate and effective?
Back to the Lab!
Link to Detroit Evaluation Argument Exercise
Timeline for the rest of the exercise: (stopwatch)
1/2 hour:
Step 4: the Planning Guide
15 min:
Quick Peer Review
15 min:
Basic Wiki Page Design
Due today:
Post final links to pages here:
Include a "Main Page" with links to all four team evaluation plans, and any other designs you see fit or have time for.
Due Tuesday:
Response 10 (formal)
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