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Response 10 (project 4)

Page history last edited by marielle frattaroli 12 years, 10 months ago

Step 1

1:Reality TV shows are bad.

2. It falls under the category of ...?

3.  Practical, ethical, aesthetic

4.  Reality TV shows are a horrible source of entertainment (practical), provides bad morals(ethical), and brainwashes its audiences(aesthetic).


Step 2

-No, not everyone will agree with me.  Many many many people love reality shows and are addicted to watching them.

-People who like reality shows will oppose me.

-They make a different evaluation because they enjoy watching reality shows and find them entertaining.

-The general public, television channels like mtv and thier workers, people on reality shows


Step 3


-bad morals to people watching it

-showing teen pregnancy is ok

-people on the shows are very materialistic


-lots of sex

-lots of drinking

-lots of fighting and yelling

-it gets addictive 

-people get famous for no reason, they would otherwise have a bad image

-costs so much money to film these shows and give them houses to live in ect

-shows failed relationship after failed relationship

-pointless to follow around someone life (you have your own)



-does create jobs for people in film industry

-gives pregnant teens someone to look up to

-shows people how not to live

-some form of entertainment is provided


Step 4




Boyse, Kyla. "Television and Children." University of Michigan Health System. U-M Health System, 08/11. Web. 14 Nov 2011. <http://www.med.umich.edu/yourchild/topics/tv.htm>.


Renee Montalvan, . "Teen Pregnancy TV Shows are a Bad Influence."the californian. the californian, 03/17/2011. Web. 14 Nov 2011. <http://www.thecalifornianpaper.com/opinion/1468-teen-pregnancy-tv-shows-are-a-bad-influence.html>.


jaffe, eric. "Reality Check."observer. association for psychological science, 03/2005. Web. 14 Nov 2011. <http://www.psychologicalscience.org/observer/getArticle.cfm?id=1742>.



christianson, peter, and maria ivancin. "The “Reality” of Health: Reality Television and the Public Health." the henry j. kaiser family foundation. the henry j. kaiser family foundation, 10/2006. Web. 14 Nov 2011. <http://www.kff.org/entmedia/upload/7567.pdf>.





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