Response 14-The Tree of Life

Descriptive Outline:



Says: This paragraph gives three reasons why The Tree of Life is a breakthrough in popular cinema.

Does: This paragraph describes what is going to be evaluated and how it going to be done.

2nd Paragraph

Says: This section gives a better understanding of why The Tree of Life breakthrough in cinema because of the three criteria.

Does: This paragraph provides an exigence for why the topic is important

3rd Paragraph

Says: This paragraph basically talks about why cinematography is important in film and the importance of genre when evaluating a film.

Does: Provides a background of information that will useful in understanding the argument.

Research: This paragraph draws on defintions of cinemtography and drama to establish ethos. It also uses quotes from a well-known cinematographer to further the writer's ethos.

4th Paragraph
Says: This paragraph discusses why The Tree of Life is a breakthrough because of the use camera motion and lighting.

Does: This paragraph gives the first reason for the issue being discussed.

Research: Uses quotes from the actual cinematographer of the film, Emanuel Lubeski.

5th Paragraph

Says: This paragraph offers the three maing meaning of the film and shows how they all connect in order to created a storyline.

Does: Provides the seacond reason for why the issue is being discussed.

6th Paragraph:

Says: This paragraph talks how THe Tree of Life makes a connection with the audience through the memories of the eldest son Jack when he is an adult.

Does: Offers the third reason for why the problem is being discussed.

Research: Uses a quote for Roger Ebert to show how The Tree of Life makes a personal connection with each individual viewer.

7th Paragraph:

Says: Brings up the counter-argument for why The Tree of Life is not a breakthrough in cinema and also provides a resemblence to the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey  to show why it should be considered a true breakthrough.

Does: This paragraph provides a counter-argument for the topic being discussed.


Says: States that The Tree of Life is a breakthrough in popular cinema because of the three specific criteria used in the thesis.

Does: Provides a summary of thesis and expands on the topic in a broader sense.




The motivation for writing this evaluation is because it is a specific example of a broader issue, which is that critics should change the way they evaluate and view films. The issue that is being evaluated is why The Tree of Life should be considered a breakthrough in cinema becuase many critics claim that it is a pretentious and over-the-top film. The approach to this evaluation is to show exactly how The Tree of Life is a breakthrough, then raise a counter-argument to the claim, and finally bring down the refutation by comparing the film to 2001: A Space Odyssey. Now, The Tree of Life is a breakthrough in cinema because of the use of cinematography, the connection between the multiple layers of meaning, and its ability to connect with the audience on a personal level. The conclusion that is made through this evaluation is that The Tree of Life is truly a breakthrough in cinema because of the specific criteria and that critics should change their way that they view and evaluate a film becuase cinema is always changing.



Project 4 draft: Response Thirteen- Tree of Life