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Response 14 EDM

Page history last edited by Jared 12 years, 9 months ago

FEEDBACK: dillon.mp3


Picture for me if you could, the ultimate euphoric experience… One might describe this as a constant flow of collective sounds and rhythms working cooperatively with brilliant lights and visuals to overwhelm you and the surrounding sea of people. This scene that I have just described is commonly known as a rave, a spectacular nightlife party fueled by Electronic Dance Music (EDM). This type of music provides a cultural experience for our generation that is just beginning to unfold. One may refer to this culture in many different ways, such as the rave scene, rave culture, club life… But any way you look at it, these terms are nothing without the driving force of Electronic Dance Music. This type of music is beginning to see a rapid increase in popularity worldwide due to an increase in media publicity as well as a spread of this cultural experience. Club life, also known as “rave culture” can be compared to the “hippy culture” of the late 60’s through 70’s in many ways, and provides many potential economic benefits as well as social benefits for our generation.


To provide more of an understanding I will briefly discuss how Electronic Dance Music is created and produced. This is a totally computerized art form, but this does not mean that it lacks creativity and musicality. Rather than focusing on technicality, this type of music is heavily focused on collaborative rhythms, and sound design. Electronic music is created through the use of Audio Production Software also know as DAW platforms. DAW platforms allow you to create as many tracks as needed to create a piece of music (a track is a loop of one sound, such as a kick drum) and arrange them in time. One may use preset sounds provided in their DAW platform, or you can use various plug in such as synthesizers to create and design your own sounds. I have personally seen many kids, myself included, getting into the creation of electronic music. This not only gives children a better understanding of music and technology, but also promotes creative expression, which is a great tool usable in all types of learning.


The history of electronic dance music can hardly be called history at all, seeing as how it only spans about 50 years if even that. Determining the true origin of electronic dance music proves to be difficult, it was more of a collaboration of people discovering technological advancement in music from all over the world. For example, in the 1960’s several artists from Jamaica overlaid multiple instrumental tracks using real-to-real tape players. (www.focusmusic.co.uk) This established the roots for the genre of EDM known as Dub. A decade later, in the 1970’s in our very own Detroit city, a man named Frankie Knuckles began his journey into electronic dance music. Frankie began a very popular movement using mixing tables, where he did not just play one single record, he played multiple records at the same time adjusting their EQ and tempos to match up perfectly. He then layered percussive beats over the top of this giving birth to mainstream house music. (www.focusmusic.co.uk) As the years passed, and the world became more technologically advanced, people built of these established roots and more and more electronic dance music emerged. This all lead up to the 90’s where an explosion of EDM and rave culture began worldwide, and EDM really took of as a style of music showing its true potential. Now-a-days there have to be billions of EDM songs out there, and popularity as well as recognition for electronic dance music are increasing at a faster rate than ever. There are hundreds of genres and subgenres of EDM and as people keep discovering new ways to express electronica the list will keep on growing. Because the list of different genres is so extensive I will not get into it, but for those who are interested here is a link to a sight that covers these genres.





Electronic Dance Music (EDM) is proving to be an art form that is currently growing in popularity all over the world. Although in America today it is easy to tell that hip-hop, rap, and r and b are the primary types of music that our growing generation associates themselves with. Personally I have experienced a change in this way of thinking in many people that are choosing to join the growing community of EDM fans. Because the hip hop style of music is so popular, many DJs see this as a way to become more widely recognized by providing the “beat” or composing all of the background music for Hip Hop artists. Electronic music is so heavily focused on beat making and sound production, therefore popular EDM DJs are seen as experts in this field. This makes them primary targets for hip-hop artists in the means of collaboration to make a successful song. Now because hip hop is such a popular form of music in America, the DJs collaborating with them have a chance to have their beats heard on a larger scale than normal. This is a growing trend that is allowing EDM to get exposure to people outside of its usual fan base. This trend is being practiced by many DJs such as Alesso, Wolfgang Gartner, and of course David Guetta who is often viewed as the front-runner of this movement.


Here I will go into a paragraph showing examples of this trend happening, talking about popular DJ’s involved with this movement (primarily David Guetta)


Think back to the 1970’s if you could… Perhaps many of you are not old enough to have lived during this time but I’m sure for many of us when thinking of the 1970’s things like classic rock, drugs, hippies, and Woodstock. This time period had a unique culture one could call “hippy culture” where the youthful generation partook in various cultural activities such as music festivals and concerts. Today we are almost beginning to see a repeat of this trend taking place, although it is not Rock n’ Roll the kids are listening to, it is electronica. Although this scene is just emerging, there are already hundreds of festivals around the country every year, and these events are a cultural experience just as Woodstock was to the youth of a previous generation. Will continue much more on this paragraph….



I have yet to add few remaining body paragraphs about economic and social benefits as well as a counter argument!



Proposal Outline



Says: States that electronic dance music in growing in popularity and gives different reasons for this.

Does: Sets up my criteria for my following paragraphs.


First Body Paragraph

Says: Explains how this form of music works.

Does: Gives the reader background info needed to fully understand the evaluation.


Second Body Paragraph

Says: Gives a brief history on EDM explaining how far we have come.

Does: Gives reader more in depth look and understanding of electronic dance music.


Third Body Paragraph

Says: Begins to discuss the growing popularity of EDM.

Does: Shows trends that correlated with this rise in popularity.


Fourth Body Paragraph

Says: Rave culture compares to hippy culture in many ways.

Does: Provides ethos and gives the audience something that they can relate to.


Evaluation Abstract


People should care about this rising style of music because music is a huge aspect of our social lives, and when things change in the industry, it could lead to other changes in society. I am evaluating how Electronic Dance Music is currently on the rise in popularity and this upward slant is exponentially increasing as the years progress. I have provided solid background info on various aspects of electronica, as well as provided examples of trends showing a rise in electronic music. I will establish strong ethos with my audience as well as provide a counter argument to only reinforce my point that Electronic Dance Music is an artform that is on the rise due to an increase in media exposure, and cultural spread providing a similar situation as what we saw in the 70's with hippy culture. This movement can provide both economic and social benefits if dealt with properly, and provides for a very interesting future of the music industry.

Comments (1)

Travis Rodery said

at 5:55 pm on Nov 30, 2011

Purpose: People should care about this rising style of music because music is a huge aspect of our social lives, and when things change in the industry, it could lead to other changes in society
Evaluating: How Electronic Dance Music is currently on the rise in popularity and this upward slant is exponentially increasing as the years progress.
Why I care: I Like to go to clubs and clubs consist of the music being talked about.
Thesis: Club life, also known as “rave culture” can be compared to the “hippy culture” of the late 60’s through 70’s in many ways, and provides many potential economic benefits as well as social benefits for our generation.
The paper is well written and I can tell that a lot of research was done, but make sure you add in the citations to prove that. Grammar in the paper is very good, but make sure to not start your sentences with because. When the remaining body paragraphs are added in, I think it will be an a paper. Everyone is into music so I think it’s a great topic to write about and will get a lot of attention from readers.

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