
Response 15-marielle

Page history last edited by marielle frattaroli 13 years, 2 months ago

I didn't really understand what we were supposed to do with this response so here the beginning (first section) of my about the author page.


                My name is Marielle Therese Frattaroli.  I am currently a freshman at Wayne State University and about to bring an end to my first semester here.  I have recently changed my major from chemistry, what I though was my calling, to film and media studies.  I spend most of my free time picking up the coolest vintage clothes at Salvation Army, knocking shows off of my list of things to watch on Netflix and listening to bands that were big when I was still in junior high because the music scene has gone downhill ever since.  Originally I am from Sterling Heights, Michigan.  It is much like any other metro Detroit city though it does have its quirks.  Although I grew up having quite the normal life living in a suburban neighborhood, I have always taken a special interest in Detroit.  I guess that’s what brought me here.  Moving to Midtown and living smack dab in the middle of it all has definitely been a great experience.  I graduated from Stevenson High  School where I was pretty heavily involved with the arts.  In my earlier years of high school and even junior high, drawing was my passion.  I don’t quite know when that changed, but I then became involved in the drama department working on lighting.  I also played the saxophone for seven years and was part of the marching band.  I think being in the music and theatre programs was definitely the best decision I have ever made as it soon consumed my life; if I go on about the details I will surely bore you.  After high school, those things slipped away and I found myself broadening my horizons.  The way I was taught things in high school didn’t challenge me very much.  Most assignment were the ‘read, answer questions, read some more, answer some more questions.’  English was especially painfully boring and easy.  Everything aspect about our readings, assignments and essays were so incredibly structured, all that was asked of us was to pay attention and to write with good grammar.  If we did those two things, life was easy.  I was never given the chance to write anything passionate.  Most class periods were spent reading various pieces of literature and then writing a short two to three page paper summarizing, evaluating a character, or my all-time favorite, explaining the theme.  Writing workshop days were very rare and it seemed as if the teachers weren’t even interested with the content of the paper.  As previously mentioned, the main focus was on grammar.  Clearly, things have changed.  


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